Posted on June 13, 2019

From June 1-5, Grete Olsen (Horton) and Codi Mueller (Hiawatha) toured Washington DC on the Foundation for Rural Service Youth Tour. This tour brought together over 100 students from across the country for a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Highlights included tours of the Smithsonian Museums, Mount Vernon, Federal Communications Commission, and U.S. Capitol.

Grete Olsen is the daughter of Keith and Denise Olsen and will be a senior at Horton High School. Grete is involved in FFA, FBLA, Student Council, Dance Team, Luther League and 4-H. Sheregularly volunteers at her local church as a Bible School Leader and the Community Enrichment Organization commonly known as Horton CEO all while holding a 4.0 GPA. Grete enjoyed learning about rural telecommunications during the breakout session- a Rural Discussion where all of the students proactively solved problems their community is facing. I couldnt believe some of the challenges other parts of the country face when it comes to ag. Sharing ideas with each other was a great way to take a piece of this discussion and apply it back home.

Codi Mueller is the daughter of Jeremy and Amy Mueller and will be a senior at Hiawatha High School. Codi and is involved in National Honor Society, FFA, KAYS, Pep Club, Biology Club, Art Club, After-Prom, and much more. Codi also donates her time to the local humane society, 4-H, her church running music, activity planning, and nursery duties all while holding a 3.8 GPA. Codi has worked A&J Mueller, Sarah Katheryns, and completed her CAN certification in 2019. Codi enjoyed touring the Capitol as well as the Smithsonians. Seeing the history of the building was one of my favorite parts, said Codi. I also enjoyed visiting the FCC and asking Chairman Pai about rural issues!

Grete and Codi were fortunate enough to meet with Chairman Pai, Commissioner Starks, and Commissioner Carr as well as other Bureaus from the Federal Communications Commission.

Thank you so much to 佪圖AV for making this a possibility. I never dreamed I would learn so much and create lasting memories, said Codi. The Foundation for Rural Service is such a great organization and I am so thankful they put on the Youth Tour. I was given an opportunity of a lifetime, said Grete.