Posted on July 12, 2018

On July 10th, Stacy Simmer, Community Relations Manager for Ë¿¹ÏAV Communications, met with Senator Amy Klobuchar (MN), Senator Deb Fischer (NE), Jannine Miller, Senior Advisor for Rural Infrastructure, and Federal Communications Commissioner Jessica Rosenworcel in Washington DC. The purpose of the visit was to discuss issues Rural Telecommunication companies face today. Topics included call completion, USF, and regulatory changes. Visits with the Senators helped them gain valuable insight on how changes within the industry affect rural broadband access.

Other visits included a meeting with Amy Bender, Legal Advisor - Wireline and Jamie Susskind, Chief of Staff and Legal Advisor to Commissioner Brendan Carr. FCC Commissioner Rosenworcel spoke candidly about the recent changes in the industry and opened the discussion up for comments. Commissioner Rosenworcel has been a Commissioner for the FCC since 2011. Bender and Susskind recorded concerns and issues companies face today to present to Commissioner Carr.

Ë¿¹ÏAV Communications advocates on behalf of the communities we serve to provide quality broadband to our customers. Simmer was in Washington July 10th to participate in the NTCA, the Rural Broadband Association, Rural Telecom Women Fly-In. Nearly 30 women participated in the advocacy fly-in from all over the country to gather in the nation’s capital to discuss the emerging rules and regulations of the industry.
