Posted on October 31, 2017

Some of you may have seen 佪圖AV's social media posts over the last couple of months that used the hashtag #buildbroadbandwithus. You may ask yourself, "what does this mean, and why is it important to me?. Simple. Broadband is important - and rural broadband is an important piece of infrastructure to sustain life in rural America. Our generations are become more dependent on broadband for entertainment - but also dependent on broadband for researching trends for their college paper, using telemedicine to do a video conference with a doctor hundreds of miles away, and staying connected with loved ones that may live in another state.

The Build Broadband with Us Campaign was a success with thousands joining the movement to strengthen the advocacy of rural broadband throughout their community. Whether it was inviting legislatures to their community, voicing their message across social media, or simply acknowledging that rural Broadband is important, this movement is extremely important to not only sustain, but enhance the lives in rural America through Broadband.

Thank you for joining in on the movement, and for additional information on how you can join, please visit the NTCA website .